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who we are

AgriWellness, Inc. was founded in July, 2001 as a nonprofit corporation to assist the seven-state Sowing the Seeds of Hope region.  Our region includes:  Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota and Wisconsin.

AgriWellness, Inc. provides technical assistance for the Sowing the Seeds of Hope projects.  Initially, funds for the Sowing the Seeds of Hope projects came from the federal Office of Rural Health Policy and the federal Bureau of Primary Health Care through the Wisconsin Office of Rural Health and the Wisconsin Primary Health Care Association.  Additional funds have been received from federal congressional appropriations, the Land O’ Lakes Foundation and through personal contributions.  Project leaders have determined to implement a permanent structure for our work. 

Project leaders in each state determine how to use funds most effectively.  In many cases project leaders have successfully obtained additional funds from state, federal and private sources to improve the behavioral health care of their state’s population.  AgriWellness, Inc. works with project leaders in all states to locate funding sources, to identify best practices and to publicize reports.  Project leaders are listed on our Partners page.

Building hope and health in the rural agricultural community.

Copyright 2003 - AgriWellness, Inc., Harlan, IA